History:The KA1RCI packet network was created in 1987 and has been providing service to the amateur community ever since. When the system first came online it had only two radio ports and was a satellite of the N1DKF PBBS/PVD:W1XJ node sponsored by OSARG. Shortly after that the N1DKF pbbs and OSARG node were combined into the rapidly growing KA1RCI network. Currently the system has grown to one of the largest packet radio networks in the New England area with twenty radio ports networked at three sites in Rhode Island. The primary site is located in Lincoln with remote nodes located in Providence and Cranston, RI. Nodes located at the Lincoln, RI site: - AX.25 W0RLI pbbs BBSRCI:KA1RCI - AX.25 G8BPQ node LINCON:KA1RCI-7 - AX.25 G8BPQ node RILINK:KA1RCI-3 - Tcpip MFNOS "switch.lincoln.ampr.org" radio nodes - Tcpip MFNOS "gw.ka1rci.ampr.org" internet gateway - Tcpip MFNOS "bpq.ka1rci.ampr.org" g8bpq/mfnos gateway - Tcpip MFNOS "qso.ka1rci.ampr.org" world wide convers Nodes located at the Providence, RI site: - AX.25 MFNOS node PROV:KA1RCI-6 - Tcpip MFNOS "swtich.providence.ampr.org" Nodes located at the Cranston, RI site: - AX.25 NETROM node PVD220:KA1RCI-1 - AX.25 NETROM node PVD440:KA1RCI-2 Services:The KA1RCI packet network is a multi-site, multi-service, multi-port, multi-user, packet radio system with message store and forward. There are several file archives, binary file archives, yapp file transfer server, CD-Rom QTH lookup server, node chat server, AX.25 to TCPIP message gateway, intenet gateway, world wide convers server, remote dial-in access, and APRS service. Computer Networking:The computers making up the various nodes and services communicate over several different local networks. -24 port 10baseT hub for the Tcp/ip nodes and the 44.104.6/24 subnet. -16 port 10baseT hub for the G8PBQ nodes and the W0RLI Pbbs system. -16 port 10baseT hub for the NOVELL IntraNetware server and workstations. - 8 port 10baseT hub for the direct internet access. |