Intel 90Mhz Pentium, 24 megs of ram, 1.2 gig SCSI hard drive.
There are six communications ports associated with this computer.
The RLI mailBox is BBSRCI:KA1RCI and the node BPQ is LINCOLN:KA1RCI-7.
Each port on the KA1RCI packet network can support multiple users connected
to any of the system features. W0RLI PBBS, QTH call lookup, roundtable
chat server, netrom, AX.25 to TCPIP gateway, yapp file transfer, world wide convers server.
1. 300 Bps with a Kenwood TS-440S on 28.105 Mhz and a 5/8ths wave ground plane. There is a MFJ-1274 TNC connected to this radio allows both Local and DX access in the novice part of the band. The port is turned on when a station operator is around to monitor the activity. There are three Hams in the house so it is on most of the time. (Local/DX Users)
2. 1200 Bps with a Kenwood TM-221A on 145.050 Mhz sharing a Diamond duplexer and X-500 antenna. There is a MFJ-1270B connected to this radio allow local access to the system. This is the primary user port for the AX.25 PBBS. (User Port)
3. 2400 Bps with a Kenwood TM-321A on 223.670 Mhz with a fifteen element yagi antenna. There is a MFJ-1270B TNC connected to this radio for a backbone link to BBSUGM:K1UGM for network forwarding to Wakefield MA. (Backbone)
4. 9600 Bps with a Kantranics D4-10 on 430.055 Mhz with a six element yagi antenna. There is a MFJ-1270CQ TNC connected to this radio for a backbone link to PVD440:KA1RCI-2 for a network forwarding to Groton, CT. (Backbone)
5. 1200 Bps with a Kenwood TM-421A on 440.700 Mhz with a 6 element yagi antenna. There is a MFJ-1270B TNC connected to this radio for a backbone link to RILINK:KA1RCI-3 and for local NTS administrators. (NTS Admin/Backbone)
6. 10baseT connection to the KA1RCI G8BPQ lan. This port provides connectivity between all of the BPQ nodes located at the Lincoln site. This is the local connection that provides for mail exchange between the AX.25 mailbox and the MFNOS mailbox. Users can also connect in either direction across the link and access other systems from the AX.25 nodes to the TCPIP nodes. (Ethernet Lan)
7. 28800 Bbs modem link for phone access. This port is restricted to the system operators. It allows for remote control and for maintenance of the system.