145.350 / 144.750 with PL 67.0
Providence - Rhode Island
New Hardware Build Spring 2013 - Brian N1BS and Steve KA1RCI
Forty Years of History
The repeater went on the air at WA1KWZ's house in Mount Pleasant (just off Academy Ave & Chalkstone) from approximately 1975 to 1979.
It then moved to the site in Coventry off Hopkins Hill Rd near the fire station. In the early days, we had duplexer problems and ran the repeater split site for a while, with the receiver on N1BS's porch in Coventry near Tiogue Lake, and a UHF link to the transmitter site at Hopkins Hill Rd. We soon had a working duplexer that resolved that situation. In about 1982, we built a 70' tower at the site, and installed the Decibel 4-bay dipole antenna that provided excellent coverage for many years.
That was the base of operations until 1997 when we lost the site due to the tower being wrecked in a storm, and the site being sold. The repeater was moved to an industrial site in Coventry near the high school (Reservoir Rd) in 1997. It performed terribly there, with lots of problems. In 2002, it went to the West Warwick athletic complex on Factory Street.
In 2005 the repeater went to KF1O's house off Phoenix Ave in West Warwick and was there until 2007 when we moved it to West Greenwich and linked into the KA1RCI Repeater Network. In 2013 the repeater was completely rebuilt and moved a new site at the Ladd Observatory at Brown University in Providence RI.
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These photos shows the repeater on the air for testing in Westerly before any of the upgrades.
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These photos shows the repeater on the air in West Greenwich after some upgrades, a new S-Com 7k controller and Kenwood TK-830 UHF link radio.
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The new hardware coming together, Mark 4 repeater with matching 100 watt PA, S-Com 7330 controller, and Kenwood TK-830 UHF link radio in KA1RCI's living room.
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Building, tuning, and welding the new G7-144 VHF Repeater antenna.
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The BVARC crew and installing the new antennas at the Ladd Site.
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Rebuilding the old TX-RX filter cavities and phasing harness.
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Rich W1TBR and Steve KA1RCI setting up the 145.350 N1BS repeater at the Ladd Site.
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More Project Fun to follow soon.
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07/01/2013 and it has been viewed times.
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