Please note: This webpage has grown very large so I will
be breaking it up into several different sub-pages to improve loading times...
The latest work completed on the North 80 foot Repeater Tower was
completed on November 21st, 2010
New 40 foot tower for the radios on my desk in the office is in progress October 2012...
The first antenna installation in 1984
I always enjoy telling the story about how Dad and I were mounting antennas on our new house, right after we finished building it back in 1984. While the moving company trucks were still in the driveway unloading our furniture, Dad and I were up on ladders installing my antennas. This of course was also just moments after my mother declared...
"There will be no antennas on this new house!"
Soon after those first antennas were bolted onto both sides of the house I started installing towers...
In these photos you can see some of the first antennas we put up at each end of the house. Dad and I installed matching eve brackets and ten foot mast at each end of the house and started hanging antennas.
On the driveway side facing south west we installed a rotatable V dipole for 10, 15, and 20 meters with a 2M yagi and 2M quarter wave. Then on the other side of the house facing north east we installed a trapped dipole for 10,15, and 20 meters, a 10M yagi, a second 2M yagi, and a 10M quarter wave.
In the center photo you can see my Dad, Bill KA1VKD making some adjustment to one of the antennas.
(click on images to enlarge)
Click on the links below for the history of each individual tower.
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This page was last updated on
10/17/2012 and it has been viewed times.
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